Mes Partitions de Musique

La banane

La banane
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La banane
Reference : P1633
The banana
4 songs in this two pages:
- La banane, The banana
Charlys song-parody created by Arsé, the fun fanciful and all the comics, can be sung on the air of “Mes caresses”
- Histoire d’un crime Story of a crime, words by Driani and Charlys, on the air of “My parents came to fetch me”
- Le député, Member of Parliament, Charlys and Jean Guy, on G. Nadaud’s “pandora” look
- Le couteau de cuisine, The kitchen knife, jingle parody, can be sung on the air of Botrel’s “Knife”, lyrics by Driani and Charlys
Editions Le Cri de Montmartre
Dimensions 26.5 x 17.5 cm

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